September 10, 2010

Skirts vs. Pants

Have you ever been asked, "Why do you wear skirts?" Or "Why is it you don’t wear pants?" Okay the last one I have to admit I do have three pairs of pants, but I have around twelve to fifteen skirts. This is the answer I always give to the people who ask me why I do wear skirts most of the time: Because skirts are a whole lot more modest and feminine than pants. Year by year I’m learning this, I’m learning it slowly, but I’m learning. You’re probably thinking to your-self well pants can be feminine. Or they have a whole lot of mini skirts. Yeah they do have a whole lot of mini skirts today, but I don’t wear those, my mom, sister, and I wear the skirts that go past the knee-cap. And the pants I only wear my blue-jeans if I know I’ll be at my friend’s farm. But the other pairs I now wear often. The Bible tells us A man shall not dress like a woman, a woman shall not dress like a man. Sure the men in Scotland wear kilts, but that’s their culture.

It used to be that in the olden days the women were NEVER seen wearing pants, it was only the men. If the women were plowing when their husband was sick they would plow in their dresses or skirts. That’s how God wanted it to be, He wanted the men to look like men and the women to look like women.
I’m not telling you to go into your closet and get rid of all your pants, I’m basically telling you all the answer I give people (I did add in a little bit).

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