November 30, 2010

The winner is...

We have a winner for my first blogoversary giveaway, and she is...Miss Susan over at Joyful Mom 7!! Congratualtions Miss Susan, I will make sure to send the book to you VERY soon. Can't wait to host another givieaway, this was so much fun!

I also want to thank everyone who entered in my giveaway!

Hugs from Texas,

November 23, 2010

What is a true young man?

Lately I have had the question "What is a true young man?" run through my head. This question made me stop and think, because honestly to tell you the truth I have never really thought about this before until now. So below is my answer to this question:

A true young man loves the Lord with all of his heart, soul, mind, and strength. He is not scared to tell everyone about his Savior. He puts others before him-self. He loves being part of God's army. He is willing to lay down his life for the Lord and his wife. He saves his whole heart for the young lady the Lord has for him. He loves to make his wife laugh. He takes his role as leader seriously. He comforts his wife when she is sad and lonely. He helps out around the house. He cooks dinner for his wife when she's sick or when the baby is born.

I'm sure I'll come up with other answers to this questions as the years go by!

If you have never come up with ways that you think a true young man should be, then I encourage you to do so. I'm sure I'll be keeping this list for the future, because these are some of the qualities that I want in my husband.

Hugs from Texas,

November 19, 2010

Household Happenings ~ 3

Hey everyone! Just a quick post to let you all know that I'm still alive. I haven't been blogging much because Amber came down on Tuesday, and will be here until next Wednesday. But here is what we've been up to:
  1. Spending time with Amber while she's here
  2. Getting picture outfits ready for the coast tomorrow (I'll post the pictures of Amber, me, and Sydney)

I'm sure there are more happenings that I can't think of right now. Tomorrow Dad, Mom, Amber, Gabriela, Sydney, JC, Justin, and I will be taking a trip to the coast. While we are there my mom will be taking mine, Amber, and Sydney's pictures. So I will be posting all the pictures we take tomorrow some time soon.

Hugs from Texas,


November 12, 2010

God's amazing creation ~ 7

Let's give our Maker all the praise for His wonderful handy-work!
Hugs from Texas!

Some exciting news!

Wednesday Mom and I were gettting some lunch when Amber called, now Amber seems to only call Mom when Mom is about to talk to some one or if she is going through the drive thru. Any way when Mom answers the phone she asks Amber what is going on. And all I hear is Mom gasp and ask "You're what?" Any guesses on what she told Mom?

If you guessed Amber's're RIGHT!!! Mom and Dad will be grandparents!! Sydney and I are so excited to finally become Aunt Ali and Aunt Sydney :D Amber is two months along and is due June 20, 2011! I am already counting down the days!!

On November 17, Kellyn & Amber will be visiting for Thanksgiving! We will be taking family pictures, so I will be posting the pictures sometime early December, because we are also going to Richardson, TX to visit my dad's parents for Thanksgiving weekend!

*Have a great weekend!*

Hugs from Texas!

November 8, 2010

Some ideas

I have some questions to ask you about ways to improve my blog posting, so my readers are reading what they like to hear.
  1. Should I add interviews with young ladies?
  2. Do you like God's amazing creation?
  3. Do you like posts that involve more topics on purity, modesty, etc?
  4. Do you like reading about what we've been up to?

I would really like your opinion, so if YOU want to, you can leave a comment telling me what YOU like more!

Thank you all :D

Hugs from Texas,


Blogoversary Giveaway

For my first blogoversary I will be giving away an incredible book called The Woman of the Forest by Betty Swinford. Here is a brief summary of the book.

Jordan, a young man is struggling with the problems in is his life. And soon finds out about his parents becoming "religious", so he decides to run away from home. He finds him-self lost, far from home, and in the company of a strange old woman! Will Jordan ever see his family again? Will he ever come to see the truth? Find out in this incredible book!

This book is suitable for ages 9-13 (but you can read it if you're older...I do :D)

I will pick the winner on the 29th of this month, and I will announce the winner on the 30th! After I announce the winner I will need their e-mail address to get their other information.

Here is how you can enter:

1. Leave a comment

2. Post about this giveaway, then let me know through a comment with your blog address included.

Can't wait to see who the winner is!

Hugs from Texas,
