March 11, 2010

What to do at nearly fifteen

  1. Wear dad's size eleven and a half size shoe, so you can mow the back lawn.
  2. Throw the ball for your 11 year old Golden Retriever when you're trying to mow the lawn.
  3. Try to hug your mom after you've just mowed the lawn, but she tries to tell you politely that you REALLY need a shower.
  4. Play tag with your sister in the backyard.
  5. Chase the cat so you can hold her, even though you know it makes her VERY MAD!
  6. Get wonderful grades on your math!
  7. Practice the Entertainer and River Flows in You on the piano because those two songs are your piano recital songs.
  8. Bug your dad to take you to Sea World or even driving.
  9. Get your AWANA Cubbies leader roll pin.
  10. Look out the front door and seeing a beautiful Dogwood in full bloom.
  11. Have to wait another year to get your Driver's Permit.
  12. E-mail your friend who lives 1000 miles away.
  13. Plan your fifteenth birthday party.
  14. Give your dad a hug when he comes home from work.
  15. Thank God for your beautiful, special, and blessed life here on earth.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ali!

    I am new to your blog, so I thought I would leave a comment. Your blog is so sweet!
    As a Christian eighteen-year-old stay-at-home daughter, {wow, that was long!} I fully appreciate your love and commitment to your Saviour and you family!
    Keep shining your light!
    Olivia in KY


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May the Lord God bless you forever!