May 5, 2009

To The Loving Mr. P

This post is in loving memory of the dog below; the sweetest dog in the world! His name was Peanut, but we all called him Mr. P. He was one of my grandma & grandpa’s four dogs, but he was by far the sweetest one of the bunch. He would climb up on a chair and sit with you, you could always count on him to bring out a shoe when he was excited, and when it was dinner time he would go get his food bowl to let you know he was hungry. He was just the most loving dog you could ever meet.

We didn’t know this, but sweet Mr. P was full of cancer. The vet told my grandparents that Mr. P had, at least, one huge tumor the size of a cantaloupe growing inside of him. His life would never be the same. They could have spent a bunch of money for treatments, but it would have only helped him to live an extra month or two. Yesterday, Mr. P's loving owners made a decision to put him out of his misery; they had to put Peanut to sleep. This had to be very hard for them. He will be missed a great deal, not only be his owners, but also by his owners grand-daughter's. However, Mr. P's spirit will be with us always.

In Christ,

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