October 17, 2009

Pictures of our two dogs

I told you that I would post pictures of Sandy and Zippy, I hope you enjoy looking at them.
This is our first dog, Sandy, she likes obsessing over turtles!
This the newest member of our family, Zippy, she's the cutest thing ever!
I would have posted a picture of Alex, but he was to hyper, and we don't have him anymore, but that's a whole entire post of it's own!
~made 2 praise~


  1. Oh sweet blog! :) I'm so glad I stumbled upon it.


  2. I remember Sandy, Zippy is a cutie. Does she have the cast on still? I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and Christmas season.

  3. mrs. ross ~ She has her cast off now, BUT she didn't work out in our family, so she is now with a new family.

    emily ~ thanks for visiting my blog.



Thank you all for visiting me, I hoped you enjoyed your visit :D

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May the Lord God bless you forever!